Shalini Ghosh – The Scientific Woman

Shalini Ghosh

Shalini Ghosh – IBDP Chemistry Faculty at Dhirubhai Ambani International School

With a powerful personality and a passion for learning, Dr. Shalini Ghosh forms an integral part of the DAIS IBDP family, teaching chemistry at both higher and standard level. As a child, she possessed a natural inclination for both languages and the sciences, but eventually selected chemistry for her higher education. Although her parents proposed engineering as an option, Dr. Ghosh felt certain that a pure science degree in chemistry represented her passion, and so she continued on to attain her B.Sc. and then later her M.Sc. and PhD from the University of Calcutta. Upon completing her higher education, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Hyderabad and then adamant about teaching, she finally began her career. When she received a call from an IBDP school in South India, there was no looking back. Teaching IB, she had discovered a program whose intensity complemented her own desire to continue learning.

Dr. Ghosh encountered support and inspiration in numerous places throughout her journey. Her parents, always vocal about equality, supported her dreams throughout both childhood and adulthood. Her guide during her postdoctoral was and continues to be a friend and supporter, and she made several friends along the way. However, discrimination does exist in the Indian society even if it becomes more subtle with time. Dr. Ghosh has noted a pronounced difference in the way men and women are treated and has experienced some discrimination growing up. When asked how she handles these stereotypes, she simply replied, “Don’t listen to them. If you have your finances sorted, no one can harm you.” And she continues to do exactly that to this day, forming a noteworthy example of the scientific woman.

In the future, Dr. Ghosh plans to continue teaching but at the grassroots level. Having taught IB for several years, she has become acquainted with students from privileged backgrounds; however, to truly make an impact, she hopes to support underprivileged and grassroots education as well. “There is a mine of intellectual capacity in rural India” and to uplift the education of underprivileged women, more qualified women need to stand as examples and support. Women, in her experience, have exhibited patience and perseverance in science, teaching, and in the laboratory.

Dr. Ghosh is a firm believer that professions should not have genders. She advises all those pursuing the sciences to simply go for it! “Don’t let anyone tell you you’re not good enough and don’t listen to stereotypes.”